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Green Fingers 2022-2023 Programs

9:30 arrive,

Speaker begins promptly at 10:00



*October 11: Victoria Johnson, author, and professor at Hunter College, will introduce her Pulitzer Prize-winning book; American Eden: David Hosack, Botany, and Medicine in the Early Republic, which introduces the first botanical garden in America. Books will be available for purchase/signing.

Nicky Johnson’s home, 568 Riversville Road, Greenwich 06831

*November 8: Tri-Club Meeting featuring Lewis Miller, celebrated New York floral

designer who creates pop-up “Flower Flash” outdoor displays using “recycled” flowers. His book, The Power of Flowers, will be available for purchase/signing.

Round Hill Community Church, 395 Round Hill Road, Greenwich 06831

December 15 (Thursday 6-8 pm): GFGC Holiday Party
Susan Bevan’s home, 90 Field Point Park, Greenwich 06830

January 10: Stacy Levy, environmental installation artist, will discuss her work and
how art can be a tool for transforming our perception of the Natural World.
Virtual Meeting. Zoom link will be included in the invitation.


*February 14: Debbie Stockstill, a renowned contemporary floral designer, will pres-
ent “The Creative Process: From Painting to Pedestal.” Sharing her approach to turning art into national award-winning floral designs.

Greenwich Botanical Center, 130 Bible Street, Cos Cob 06807

*March 14: CeCe Haydock, landscape architect and Planting Fields Foundation
board member will present “Let Them Eat Flowers: The Gardens of Paris.”
Tomes Higgins House, 254 E. Putnam Avenue, Greenwich 06830


*April 11: Matt Larkin, Founder of Black Barn Farm and Trustee Chair at Berkshire
Botanical Garden, will discuss “Clipped to Perfection: A History of Topiaries” with a
tour of his magnificent topiary garden and a live demonstration of creating a topiary.
Greenwich Botanical Center, 130 Bible Street, Cos Cob 06807

May 9: A private tour of the stunning Sleepy Cat Farm in all its springtime glory!
A bus will take us to the farm; private cars are not allowed.
Sleepy Cat Farm, 146 Clapboard Ridge Road, Greenwich 06831

*May 24 (Wednesday 12 pm): “Spring Hat Party” Annual Meeting and Luncheon
Belle Haven Club, 100 Harbor Drive, Greenwich 06830







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